Publication of 2018 Best Practice Survey Results



The document of ASEM MOOC best practices was published in Republic of Korea, in January, 2019. The survey for the best practices was conducted by National Institute for Lifelong Education (NILE) of Republic of Korea. Malaysia, China, Philippines, and Republic of Korea shared the best practices in the year of 2018. Thailand, France, Japan, Germany, Brunei, and Belgium also supported the survey.


The questionnaire was distributed and collected via e-mail between the 27th of November 2018 and the 18th of January 2019. Information on the best courses was collected with each MOOC platform’s general information, objectives, operational strategies, challenges, and so forth. In the publication, the information related to MOOC platforms of each country is respectively organized. Moreover, the best courses are arranged in the table.


The best practice case study is expected to lay a foundation for the ASEM partners to make policy efforts for social recognition and utilization of MOOCs. Furthermore, improving the MOOC system, the survey results will contribute to the realization of educational equity and expansion of educational opportunities for disadvantaged groups in society.


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